Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2012

Tầm quan trọng của nước

The Importance Of Water

Since the beginning of time, water has continued to be an important thing to all living things. Without water nothing could live. We many change our food according to the climate of place but we find no substitute1 for water. Man has always looked for pure fresh water to slake2 his thirst.
                Water not only quenches3 our thirst but it is also a source of food to us. From the sea we catch large quantities of fish and other creatures. We use water to irrigate4 our lands to produce crops. Many parts of the world are dry and barren5 because there is no water there. People in such places lead a very hard life. Even the plants and animals find it a real struggle to survive. They can obtain water only by some means of ingenuity6. Water also helps to increase the fertility7 of the land in serveral parts of the world. The alluvium8 that is brought down by rivers is very fertile and it yields9 large quantities of crops. Even electricity, which has changed our lives completely, is produced by water-power in many countries.
                Futher, water is an important means of communication. We use waterways to carry our goods or trade. Water transport is cheaper than land trandsport and in many remote regions, rivers are the only means of communication. In many countries rivers are used to bring down timber from the hilly regions to the lower regions where the timber mills10 are. In this way much money is saved.
                It is true, however, that water has caused much destruction to life and property throughout human history. Heavy rainfall, swollen rivers and the angry waves of the sea have killed thousands of people and destroyed homes and crops. Yet, waters is indispensable11 to life, and people everywhere are trying their best to bring water to places where it is scarce, to control its flow in times ofin floods and to make greater use of it.
New words:
1. Substitute [‘s^bstitju:t] (n): ̣t thay thế, người thay thế.
2. Slake [sleik] (v): làm nhẹ, làm dịu (đau đớn); làm nguôi
3. Quench [kwent∫] (v): làm hết khát
4. Irrigate [‘irigeit] (v): tưới, làm ướt đất
5. Barren ['bærən] (adj): cằn cỗi
6. Ingenuity [indʒi'nju:iti] (n): tài khéo léo, tính chất khéo léo
7. Fertility [fə:'tiliti] (n): tình trạng màu mỡ
8. Alluvium [ə'lu:vjəm] (n): đất phù sa, bồi tích, đất bồi
9. Yield [ji:ld] (v): mang lại, sinh ra; sản xuất
10. Timber mill ['timbə mil] (n): xưởng gỗ
11. Indispensable [indis'pensəbl] (adj): tuyệt đối cần thiết, không thể thiếu được

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