Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 7, 2013

Tổng hợp về câu tường thuật + bài tập áp dụng có đáp án


A. Lý thuyết:
I. Định nghĩa
1. Lời nói trực tiếp (direct speech): là nói chính xác điều ai đó diễn đạt (còn gọi là trích dẫn). Lời của người nói sẽ được đặt trong dấu ngoặc kép.
            She said ,” The exam is difficult”.
2. Lời nói gián tiếp – câu tường thuật (indirect speech): thuËt l¹i lêi nãi cña mét người kh¸c dưới d¹ng gi¸n tiÕp, không dùng dấu ngoặc kép.
Hoa said,”I want to go home”
 -> Hoa said she wanted to go home. (indirect speech)
II. Chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu nói gián tiếp
 -Khi chuyÓn tõ mét lêi nãi trùc tiÕp sang gi¸n tiÕp chóng ta cÇn lư­u ý mét sè vÊn ®Ò sau:
a. NÕu ®éng tõ tư­êng thuËt chia ë c¸c th× hiÖn t¹i th× chóng ta gi÷ nguyªn th× cña ®éng tõ chÝnh,c¸c ®¹i tõ chØ ®Þnh,c¸c tr¹ng tõ chØ n¬i chèn còng như­ tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian trong c©u trùc tiÕp khi chuyÓn sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp.
·        Hoa says,”I want to go home”.
    Động t tường là “say” đang ở thì hiện tại, do đó câu tường thuật sẽ là:
     ->  Hoa says she wants to go home.
·        He says,”I am going  to Hanoi next week”.
     -> He says he is going to HN next week
b. NÕu ®éng tõ tu­êng thuËt cña c©u ë th× qu¸ khø th× ph¶i lïi ®éng tõ chÝnh vÒ qu¸ khø 1 bËc khi chuyÓn tõ lêi nãi trùc tiÕp sang lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp theo quy t¾c sau:

Direct Speech(Lời nói trực tiếp)
Reported Speech(lời nói gián tiếp)
Present simple             Hiện tại đơn
Past simple                     Quá khứ đơn
Present progressive     Hiện tại tiếp diễn
Past progressive             Quá khứ tiếp diễn
Past simple                  Quá khứ đơn
Past perfect                       Quá khứ hoàn thành
Past progresive            Quá khứ tiếp diễn
Past perfect progressive QK hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Present perfect              Hiện tại hoàn thành
Past perfect                  Quá khứ hoàn thành
Present perfect progressive 
                      Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Past perfect progressive    
                              Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Past perfect                    Quá khứ hoàn thành
Past perfect                  Quá khứ hoàn thành
Past perfect progressive     
                    Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
Past perfect progressive     
                         Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

had to

*Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn cũng như đại t chỉ định được thay đổi theo quy tắc sau:

·        this -> that
·        these -> those
·        here -> there.
·        today -> that day                                                            
·        tonight -> that night
·        tomorrow -> the next day/the following day                             
·        yesterday -> the day before/the previous day                            
·        ago -> before                                                                              
·        now -> then                                                                                
·        next Sunday -> the next/following Sunday
·        last Tuesday -> the previous Tuesday/the Tuesday before.
·        The day after tomorrow -> in two days’ time/two days later.

-> Nguyên tắc trên được áp dụng cho tất cả các loại câu tường thuật.
III. Các loại câu tường thuật cơ bản
1.Reported statements(tường thuật dạng câu kể)
S + say(s)/said + (that) + S + V
*says/say to + O -> tells/tell + O                                         * said to + O -> told+O
He said to me”I haven’t finished my work”
-> He told me he hadn’t finished his work.

2.Reported questions:(Tường thuật dạng câu hỏi)
a.Yes/No questions:
S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V
”Are you angry?”he asked
-> He asked if/whether I was angry.
(Chuyển câu hỏi ở câu trực tiếp sang dạng khẳng định rồi thực hiện thay đổi thì,trạng từ chỉ thời gian,nơi chốn,chủ ngữ,tân ngữ...)
S + asked(+O)/wanted to know/wondered + Wh-words + S + V.
* says/say to + O  -> asks/ask + O
* said to + O  -> asked + O.
”What are you talking about?”said the teacher.
-> The teacher asked us what we were talking about.

3.Reported commands.(Tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh)
*Khẳng định:   S + told + O + to-infinitive.
”Please wait for me here, Mary.”Tom said
-> Tom told Mary to wait for him there.
*Phủ định: S + told + O + not to-infinitive.
”Don’t talk in class”,the teacher said to us.
-->The teacher told us not to talk in class.
*Reporting verbs:
- agree, decide, offer, promise, refuse...+ to-infinitive
- advise, ask, encourage, invite, remind, tell, want, warn...+ O + to infinitive
- admit(thừa nhận), deny(phủ nhận), stop, suggest...+-ing form)

- accuse           +  O +  of      +  V_ing: buộc tội ai
- Suspect         +…..+  of      +……….: nghi ngờ ai làm gì
- Congratulate +…..+ on      +……….: chúc mừng ai đạt điều gì
- Blame           +…. +  for     +………:  trách ai làm điều gì
- Thank           +….  +  for    +……….: cám ơn ai làm điều gì
- Prevent         +…...+ from  +……….: ngăn ai làm việc gì


4. Câu điều kiện ở lời nói gián tiếp:
a.Điều kiện có thật, có thể xảy ra (đk loại 1):
- Chúng ta áp dụng quy tắc chung của lời nói gián tiếp (lùi thì)
He said,”If I have much money, I’ll travel around the world.”
-> He said (that) If he had much money, he would travel around the world.
b.Điều kiện không có thật/giả sử (đk loại 2, loại 3):
- Chúng ta giữ nguyên,không đổi.
”If I had two wings, I would fly everywhere”,he said
-> He said If he had two wings, he would fly everywhere.
B. Bài tập áp dụng
I. Exercise 1: Rewrite following sentences so that the meaning stay the same.
1.”If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this car”
-> He advised..................................................................................................................
2.”Shall I carry your suicase, Lan?”said Nam.
-> Nam offered..............................................................................................................
3.”Yes, all right, I’ll share the food with you, Dave.”
-> Ann agreed...................................................................................................................
4.”Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?”
-> Paul reminded.....................................................................................................................
5.”Don’t touch anything in this room”, the man said to the children.
-> The man ordered..................................................................................................................
6.”I must go home to make the dinner”, said Mary.
-> Mary....................................................................................................................................
7.”Are you going to Ho Chi Minh City next week?”Tom asked me.
-> Tom asked..............................................................................................................................
8.”Have you finished your homework?”Mom asked.
-> Mom asked if........................................................................................................................
9.She said to me:”I can’t do it by myself”
-> She told me that....................................................................................................................
10.”Does your brother live in London,Nam?”Lan asked.
-> Lan wanted to know if........................................................................................................
11.”Don’t repeat this mistake again.”his father warned him.
-> His father warned him.......................................................................................................
12.”Give me a smile,”The photographer said to me.
-> The.....................................................................................................................................
13.”Don’t leave these book on the table” ,the librarian said to the students                                                                                  
-> The librarian told the students.................................................................................................
14.”Have you travelled abroad much?”he asked me.
-> He.......................................................................................................................................
15.”Who has written this note?” the boss asked the secretary.
-> The boss asked.....................................................................................................................
16.”I have just received a postcard from my sister,”my friend said to me.
-> My friend told me...............................................................................................................
17.”This story happened long ago”he said.
-> He said...................................................................................................................................
1.He advised me not to buy that car.
2.Nam offered to carry Lan’s suitcase.
3.Ann agreed to share the food with Dave.
4.Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.
5.The man ordered the children not to touch anything in that room.
6.Mary said that she had to go home to make the dinner.
7.Tom asked me if/whether I was going to Ho Chi Minh City the next week/the following week.
8.Mom asked if I had finished my homework.
9.She told me that she couldn’t do it by herself.
10.Lan wanted to know if Nam’s brother lived in London.
11.His father warned him not to repeat that mistake again.
12.The photographer told me to give him a smile.
13. The librarian told the student not to leave those books on the table.
14.He asked me if I had travelled abroad much.
15.The boss asked the secretaty who had written that note.
16.My friend told me she had just received a postcast from his sister.
17.He said that story had happened long before

II. Exercise 2
1 "Don't repeat this mistake again!" the instructor warned the sports¬man.
2 "Leave your address with the secretary," the assistant said to me.
3 "Phone to me for an answer tomorrow” the manager said to the client.
4 "Don't be so silly," the father said to the kid.
5 "Give a smile," the photographer said to me.

6 "Please, help me to make a decision," Ann asked her friend.
7 "Don't leave these books on the table, put them back on the shelf," the librarian said to the student.
8 "Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes," the nurse said to the child.
9 "Leave your things here," my companion advised me.
10 "Don't discuss this question now," said the chairman to the participants.
1.The insructor warned the sportsman not to repeat that mistake again.
2.The assistant told me to leave the address with the secretary.
3.The manager asked the client to phone to him for an answer the next day/the following day.
4.The father told the kid not to be so silly.
5.The photographer told me to give a smile.
6.Ann asked/begged her friend to help her make a decision.
7.The librarian told the student not to leave those books on the table,but to put them back on the shelf.
8.The nurse told the child to be a good girl and to sit quietly for five minutes.
9.My companion advised me to leave my things there.
10.The chairman asked the participants not to discuss that question at the moment.

III. Exercise 3
1 "Will it be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather doesn't change for the better?" we asked the guide.
2 The porter said to me, "I'll wake you up, when the train arrives in Leeds."
3 My wife said to me: "While you are away, I'll do the packing."
4 "Don't leave until I phone you," he asked me.
5 "After he leaves hospital, they'll take him to the South," the doctor said.
6 "They'll wait for the fisherman to return until it gets dark," the local man explained to me.
7 As soon as I hear from him, I'll let you know," my neighbour said to me.
8 I’ll live in town till my husband returns from the expedition and when he returns, we'll go to the seaside together," she said.
9 The mother said to her son, ."Sit still, please."
10 John said to his friend, "Come and spend a week with us."
1.We asked the guide if it would be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather didn’t changed for the better.
2.The porter told me he would wake me up when the train arrived in Leeds.
3.My wife told me that she would do the packing while I was away.
4.He told me not to leave until he phoned me.
5.The doctor said that after he left hospital they would take him to the South.
6.The local man explained to me that they would wait for the fisherman to return until it got dark.
7.My neighbour told me she would let me know as soon as she heard from him./
-My neighbour promised to let me know as soon as she heard from him.
8.She said that she would live in town untilher husband returned from the expedition and that when he returned,they would go to the seaside together.
9.The mother told her son to sit still.
10.John asked/told his friend to come and spend a week with him.

IV. Exercise 4
1 "Have you travelled abroad much?" he asked me.
2 "Who has written this note?" the boss asked the secretary.
3 "I've just received a postcard from my sister," my friend said to me.
4 "The students also took part in arranging the conference," the chair¬man said.
5 "Have you been here long?" the stranger asked me.
6 "Did you really see this happen with your own eyes?" the policeman asked the boy.
7 "I hope they will have taken a decision by the end of the meeting," she remarked.
8 "Did you watch the detective film on TV yesterday?" he asked her.
9 "This story happened long ago," he said, "and few people remember anything about it."
10 "I haven't read so interesting a book since I don't remember when," she said.
1.He asked me if I had travelled abroad much.
2.The boss asked the secretary who had written that note.
3.My friend told me she had just received a postcard from his sister.
4.The chairman said that the students had also taken part in arranging the conference.
5.The stranger asked me if I had been there long.
6.The policeman asked the boy if he had really seen that happen with his own eyes.
7.She remarked that she hoped they would have taken a decision by the end of the meeting.
8.He asked her if she had watched the detective film on Tvthe day before/the previous day.
9.He said that story had happened long before and that few people remembered anything about it.
10.She said that she hadn’t read so interesting a book since she didn’t remember when.

V. Exercise 5
1 Tom said to the girl: "When did you have this picture taken?"
2 "Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class?" Tom said.
3 John said to Mary, "Why don't you wear your hair a little longer."
4 "Would you like another cup of tea?" the landlady said to the guest.
5 My sister said to me, "What about going to see Aunt Mary on Sunday?"
6 She asked me, "Have you ever seen a flying saucer?"
7 James said: "Do you want me to type this letter for you?"
8 Alfred said to John, "I didn't use your cassette player! Someone else did, not me."
9 Father said, "I was the superintendent while this school was being built."
10 The woman said, "If I had a gas stove, it would save me a lot of time."
1.Tom asked the girl when she had had the picture taken.
2.Tom suggested going somewhere for a cup of coffee after class.
3.John suggested that Mary should wear her hair  a little longer.
4.The landlady invited the guest to have another cup of tea.
5.My sister suggested us going to see Aunt Marry on the Sunday.
6.She asked me if I had ever seen a flying saucer.
7.James offered to type the letter for me.
8.Alfred denied using/having used John’s cassette player and said that someone else did.
9.Father said he had been the superintendent while that school was being built.
10.The woman said that if she had a gas stove it would save her a lot of time.

VI. Exercise 6
1 Jane said to Bill, “When do you expect to finish your assignment?"
2 The man said to the boy: "Can you show me the way to the bank?"
3 Fred asked the postman: "Are there any letters for me today?"
4 Henry said to the librarian, "How many books can I borrow at a time?"
5 John asked his friend, "How did you manage to know my phone number?"
6 “These old buildings might have already disappeared by the time I am back next year?" he said
7 The boys said to the old woman: "What can we do to help you?"
8 The guests said to the doorman: "Where should we leave our coats?"
9 Tom asked his brother: "Why did you advise them to go sight-seeing on foot?"
10 I asked the children: "Who took away the magazines from my desk?"
1.Jane asked Bill when he expected to finish his assignment.
2.The man asked the boy if he could show him the way to the bank.
3.Fred asked the postman if there were any letters for him that day.
4.Henry asked the librarian how many books he could borrrow at a time.
5.John asked his friend how he had managed to know his phone number.
6.He said those old buildings might have already disappeared by the time he was back the following year.
7.The boys asked the old woman what they could do to help her.
8.The guests asked the doorman where they should leave their coats.
9.Tom asked his brother  why he had advised them to go sight-seeing on foot.
10.I asked the children who had taken away the magazines from my desk.

VII. Exercise 7
1 Rose said, "I was just leaving the office when I came face to face with a stranger."
2 Ann asked her brother, "Do you expect to be admitted to the univer¬sity?"
3 Richard asked Jane, "What are you planning to do tomorrow?"
4 She asked her boy friend "Is it true that your father fought in the last war?"
5 Jane said to me, "Where have you been all this time?"
6 Mary said to her husband, "Did you see my handbag anywhere?"
7 The inspector said to the woman, "What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday evening?"
8 The passenger said to the taxi-driver: "Hurry up!" and he added "I must be at the station on time."
9 Tom said to himself: "Why I haven't thought of this before?"
10 Father said: "The taxi is coming now. Is everyone ready?"
1.Jose said she was just leaving the office when she came face to face with a stranger.
2.Ann asked her brother if he expected to be admitted to the university.
3.Rechard asked Jane what she was planning to do the next day.
4. She asked her boy friend if it was true that his father had fought in the last war.
5.Jane asked me where I had been all that time.
6.Mary asked her husband if he had seen her handbag anywhere.
7.The inspector asked the woman what she had been doing at 7 o’clock the previous evening.
8.The passenger told the taxi-driver to hurry up and added that he had to be at the station on time.
9.Tom wondered why he hadn’t thought of that before.
10.Father said that the taxi was coming then and asked if everyone was ready.

VIII. Exercise 8
1 Helen said, "I think I'll have to find a better job. I can't make both ends meet."
2 He said to her "Why are you so late? I've been waiting for half an hour already."
3 She said to him: "Don't let them down. I'll be very embarrassed if you go back on your words."
4 She said to her husband: "You'd better not drink top much. You may lose control of the car and have a bad accident."
5 The boy said to his mother: "When shall we have lunch? I'm very hungry."
6 He said, "I don't understand why she has refused to join us on the trip."
7 She said to him, "I'm glad you've come. Sit down, please."
8 Mr Brown said to his wife, "I don't feel like going out this evening.”
Let's ask the Browns to come over for a chat."
9 “It's raining too hard to go out. We'd better stay home tonight and watch TV instead." John said.
10 "Could you ring up the station and find out when the train comes in?" said Tom to me.
1.Helen said that she thought she would have to find a better job because she couldn’t make both ends meet.
2.He asked her why she was so late;he had been waiting for half an hour already.
3.She told/advised him not to let them down and added  that she would be very embarrassed if he went back on his words.
4.She advised her husband not to drink too much.He might lose control of the car and have a bad accident.
5.The boy asked his mother when they would have lunch and said he was very hungry.
6.He said he didn’t understand why she had refused to join them on the trip.
7.She told him she was very glad he had come and invited him to sit down.
8.Mr Brown told his wife he didn’t feel like going out that evening and suggested asking the Browns to come over for a chat.
9.John said it was raining too hard to go out and suggested that they should stay at home and watch TV instead.
10.Tom asked me to ring up the station to find out when the train came in.

IX. Exercise 9
1 "Be careful. Don't go too near the edge of the cliff," she said to the boys.
2 "Please, please come to help me with the assignment," my friend said to me.
3 "I wouldn't buy that sort of raincoat if I were you," my friend said to me.
4 "Would you mind moving your bicycle?" said the janitor. "It's in the way."
5 "Could I take out another book, please," I said to the librarian.
6 "Remember to leave the window open when you're using the gas stove," my mother said to me.
7 "Wear your school badge or they won't let you into the classroom." my teacher said to me.
8 "Would you like to come over to my house for a slide show?" my
friend said to me.
9 "Show me your driver's licence, will you?" the policeman said to the drunken driver.
10 "Do come again next weekend," the host said to the visitor.

1.She warned the boys to be careful and not to go too near the edge of the cliff.
2.My friend begged me to come to help him with the assignment.
3.My friend said he wouldn’t buy that sort of raincoat if he was me/
-My friend advised me not to buy that sort of raincoat.
4.The janitor asked me to move my bicycle because it was in the way/The janitor asked me if I would mind  moving my bicycle because it was in the way.
5.I asked the librarian if I could take out another book OR I asked the librarian for another book.
6.My mother reminded me to leave the window open when I was using the gas stove.
7.My teacher advised me to wear my school badge or they wouldn’t let me into the classroom.
8.My friend invited me to come over to his house for a slide show.
9.The policeman ordered the drunken driver to show him his driver’s license.
10.The host invited the visitor to come again the following weekend.
 (Sưu tầm từ Internet và có bổ sung, chỉnh sửa)
Tải tệp đính kèm

1 nhận xét:

  1. ex 8,9 k biết nhiều từ dẫn thì chả biết ghép thế nào luôn

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