Since the dawn of civilization1, great thinkers like Pato and Aristotle have been doing their utmost to spread education to the remotest corners of the earth. It is realised that education develops the intellect and enables one to discriminate2 between the good and the bad. More and more universites and other education institution3 are therefore being opened in all parts of the world to provide higher education.
In almost every country today, there is a lot of
unemployment. Only those who have received a high standard of education are
able to secure high positions in society and in he various profession. It has
therefore necessary for many people to attend institution or higher learning to
improve their prospects of employment.
Higher education also confers many other benefits. It
broadens the mind and increase one’s power of thinking, reasoning and
imignations. Futhermore, it helps one more sympathetic towards others. It helps
us to understand the problem and weakness of man and become less suspicious4
of strangers and others. We also become more thoughtful of the feelings and
needs of others. As a result, we are able to mix better with people. Besides,
higher education helps us greatly in deciding what is right and what is wrong
so people can hardly deceive or mislead5 us. Higher education
also teachs us how to spend our time moments. We learn to make the best use of
our spare time. Again, higher education develops self-confidence6.
We learn to have faith in our own ablities. All these qualities, acquired
through higher education, combine7 to make one leader among
men. One is able to live a better life in society.
The benefit of education are therefore
many, and everyone should try his best to acquire the highest of education,
either by attendance at an educational institution or by private studies.
civilization [ sivəlai’zeiʃn ] (n):
nền văn hóa
discriminate [ dis’krimineit ] (v):
phân biệt
institution [ insti’tju:ʃn ] (n): viện,
cơ quan, tổ chức
suspicious [ sə’spiʃəs ] (adj): nghi
ngờ, tỏ vẻ ngờ vực
mislead [ mis’li:d ] (v): làm cho mê
muội, lầm đường lạc lối.
self-confidence [ self’kɔnfidəns ]
(n): sự tự tin
combine [ kɔm’bain ] (v): kết hợp
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